Report summary statistics for landed catches from MCMC simulations using Reca. This function reports estimated total catch, mean length, mean weight, and mean age.
If 'RecaCatchAtAge' contains estimate for a set of aggregation variables, such as area, gear, stock, etc., summary statistics will be presented similarly.
The units considered valid for mean lengths are those listed for quantity 'length' in StoxUnits
The units considered valid for weights are those listed for quantity 'mass' in StoxUnits
The units considered valid for total catch in numbers are those listed for quantity 'cardinality' in StoxUnits
Summary statistics are obtained from the posterior distribution, and the interval is reported as equal-tailed credible intervals are reported.
Rounding of numbers according to the argument 'Decimals' is done with round
so that negative numbers specify rounding to powers of ten, and rounding of the digit 5 is towards the even digit.
IntervalWidth = numeric(),
UseDefaultDecimalOptions = TRUE,
DecimalTotalNumber = integer(),
DecimalTotalWeight = integer(),
DecimalMeanAge = integer(),
DecimalMeanWeight = integer(),
DecimalMeanLength = integer(),
UseDefaultUnitOptions = TRUE,
UnitTotalNumber = RstoxData::getUnitOptions("cardinality", conversionRange = c(1,
UnitTotalWeight = RstoxData::getUnitOptions("mass", conversionRange = c(1, 1e+12)),
UnitMeanWeight = RstoxData::getUnitOptions("mass", conversionRange = c(1e-04, 10)),
UnitMeanLength = RstoxData::getUnitOptions("length", conversionRange = c(1e-04, 10))
- RecaCatchAtAge
Results from MCMC simulations (
).- IntervalWidth
The width of the reported credible interval. A value to 0.9 gives 90 per cent credible intervals. Defaults to 0.9.
- UseDefaultDecimalOptions
logical determining whether to use default decimal options.
- DecimalTotalNumber
integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'TotalNumber', and the corresponding 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'. Defaults to 0.
- DecimalTotalWeight
integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'TotalWeightDefaults', and the corresponding 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'. Defaults to 0.
- DecimalMeanAge
integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'MeanIndividualAge', and the corresponding 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'. 1.
- DecimalMeanWeight
integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'MeanIndividualWeight', and the corresponding 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'. 3.
- DecimalMeanLength
integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'MeanIndividualLength', and the corresponding 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'.3.
- UseDefaultUnitOptions
logical determining whether to use default unit options.
- UnitTotalNumber
unit for total catch in numbers. 10^6 individuals.
- UnitTotalWeight
unit for weight of total catch. kiloton.
- UnitMeanWeight
unit for mean weight. kg.
- UnitMeanLength
unit for mean length. cm.
See also
for running Reca-analysis
for reporting catch, mean length and mean weight by age groups
for reporting length distributions
for reporting catch by age-group and length-group combinations.
catchStats <- ReportRecaCatchStatistics(RstoxFDA::RecaCatchAtAgeExample)
#> MeanIndividualAge SD Low High
#> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 6.9 0.1 6.7 7.1
#> MeanIndividualWeight SD Low High
#> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 2.943 0.104 2.775 3.085
#> MeanIndividualLength SD Low High
#> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 64.827 0.71 63.707 65.855
#Note that there is no error on the total weight estimate, when there are no grouping variables
#> TotalWeight SD Low High
#> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 66 0 66 66
#> TotalNumber SD Low High
#> <num> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 23 1 22 24