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Tabulates summary statistics for total catch (number) at all age-length combinations from MCMC simulations using Reca. MCMC simulations are typically obtained with RunRecaModels. Summary statistics are obtained from the posterior distribution, and the interval is reported as equal-tailed credible intervals.

Different length groups than the ones reported in the argument 'RecaCatchAtAge' may be specified with the argument 'IntervalWidth'. This will specify equi-intervalled lengthgroups with the smallest lengthgroup starting at 0. If it does not align with the length groups reported in 'RecaCatchAtAge' length group assignment is done to the highest overlapping length group.

If 'RecaCatchAtAge' contains estimate for a set of aggregation variables, such as area, gear, stock, etc., summary statistics will be presented similarly.

Rounding of numbers according to the argument 'Decimals' is done with round, so that negative numbers specify rounding to powers of ten, and rounding of the digit 5 is towards the even digit.

The units considered valid for catch at length in numbers are those listed for quantity 'cardinaltiy' in StoxUnits


  PlusGroup = integer(),
  LengthInterval = numeric(),
  IntervalWidth = numeric(),
  Decimals = integer(),
  Unit = RstoxData::getUnitOptions("cardinality", conversionRange = c(1, 1e+12))



Results from MCMC simulations (RecaCatchAtAge).


If given, ages 'PlusGroup' or older are included in a plus group.


width of length bins in cm. If not provided, the interval in 'RecaCatchAtAge' will be used.


The width of the reported credible interval. A value of 0.9 gives 90 per cent credible intervals. Defaults to 0.9


integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'CatchAtAge', 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'. Defaults to 0.


unit for 'CatchAtAge', 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'

See also

RunRecaModels for running Reca-analysis and ReportRecaCatchAtAge for reporting age composition


  lengthAge <- ReportRecaCatchAtLengthAndAge(RstoxFDA::RecaCatchAtAgeExample, 13, 10)
#>      AgeGroup Age      LengthGroup Length    SD    Low   High CatchAtAgeLength
#>   1:    Age 1   1    〈0.0, 10.0]     10     0      0      0                0
#>   2:    Age 1   1   〈10.0, 20.0]     20     0      0      0                0
#>   3:    Age 1   1   〈20.0, 30.0]     30 23659    115  38786            12961
#>   4:    Age 1   1   〈30.0, 40.0]     40 18349      1  51496             8530
#>   5:    Age 1   1   〈40.0, 50.0]     50     0      0      0                0
#>  ---                                                                          
#> 139:  Age 13+  13   〈60.0, 70.0]     70     0      0      0                0
#> 140:  Age 13+  13   〈70.0, 80.0]     80   368      0     46               48
#> 141:  Age 13+  13   〈80.0, 90.0]     90 96931  92568 379081           215306
#> 142:  Age 13+  13  〈90.0, 100.0]    100 99512 167288 487483           297411
#> 143:  Age 13+  13 〈100.0, 110.0]    110 62730  56932 253720           134328