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Tabulates summary statistics for total catch (number) at age from MCMC simulations using Reca. MCMC simulations are typically obtained with RunRecaModels. Summary statistics are obtained from the posterior distribution, and the interval is reported as equal-tailed credible intervals.

If 'RecaCatchAtAge' contains estimate for a set of aggregation variables, such as area, gear, stock, etc., summary statistics will be presented similarly.

Rounding of numbers according to the argument 'Decimals' is done with round, so that negative numbers specify rounding to powers of ten, and rounding of the digit 5 is towards the even digit.

The units considered valid for catch at age in numbers are those listed for quantity 'cardinaltiy' in StoxUnits


  PlusGroup = integer(),
  IntervalWidth = numeric(),
  Decimals = integer(),
  Unit = RstoxData::getUnitOptions("cardinality", conversionRange = c(1, 1e+12))



Results from MCMC simulations (RecaCatchAtAge).


If given, ages 'PlusGroup' or older are included in a plus group.


The width of the reported credible interval. A value of 0.9 gives 90 per cent credible intervals. Defaults to 0.9


integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'CatchAtAge', 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'. Defaults to 0.


unit for 'CatchAtAge', 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'

See also

RunRecaModels for running Reca-analysis and ReportRecaCatchAtLength for reporting length composition.


  catchAtAgeReport <- RstoxFDA::ReportRecaCatchAtAge(RstoxFDA::RecaCatchAtAgeExample, 
        PlusGroup = 13)
#>     AgeGroup Age CatchAtAge     SD     Low    High
#>  1:    Age 1   1      21492  31754     404   95927
#>  2:    Age 2   2      25084  40541      52   70750
#>  3:    Age 3   3     238764 110070  104672  422917
#>  4:    Age 4   4     987229 234699  653819 1429625
#>  5:    Age 5   5    6254131 786326 5115794 7344917
#>  6:    Age 6   6    3784386 561252 2921262 4766634
#>  7:    Age 7   7    3638165 487433 2904993 4491507
#>  8:    Age 8   8    4442624 523941 3664388 5323354
#>  9:    Age 9   9    1125128 235577  823717 1488910
#> 10:   Age 10  10     547490 148911  345107  826186
#> 11:   Age 11  11     385556 110394  249463  610248
#> 12:   Age 12  12     495272 123316  320967  695681
#> 13:  Age 13+  13     647093 151804  447239  914943