Reca is a package made for the Institute of Marine Research. The package produces predictions of catch-at-age, i.e. the number of fish caught within each age group, of different fish species.
Predicting the catch-at-age of commercial fish species is an important part of the quota-setting process for many diferent species. The Norwegian Computing Center and the Institute of Marine Research have over years developed a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the catch-at-age of fish. The model aims to estimate both the proportion-at-age and the mean weight of fish, in order to convert total landings statistics to numbers at age.
The primary source for the Reca package is the repository maintained by the Norwegian computing centre:, which comes with binaries pre-built for windows and linux. This fork is maintained to document configurations that allow for compiling the library for different operating systems, and to maintain a copy of depencies that are no longer hosted by their original developers. Successful builds are archived in As a side effect this also provides a mac-version for some past releases of mac-os and R, but we are not committed to maintain this workflow, and adaptations to new os or R releases will have low priority.