Applies filters to hierarchical data formats.

  propagateDownwards = TRUE,
  propagateUpwards = FALSE,
  useXsd = FALSE



An input data. Can be a list of biotic data (StoX data type BioticData), list of acoustic data, StoxBiotic data, or StoxAcoustic data.


Filter expression in list of strings. The name of the list and structures should be identical to the names of the input data list.


Whether the filter action will propagate in the downwards direction. Default to TRUE.


Whether the filter action will propagate in the upwards direction. Default to FALSE.


logical determining if treeStruct should be read from xsd provided in metadata table. See details.


An object of filtered data in the same format as the input data.


This is a convenient wrapper around filterTables, which determines hierarchy based on available metadata. For more explicit control of the hierarchical relations used, consider filterTables.

Applies filters to a set of table that are hierarchically related, and provides options for propagating filters up or down in the data hierarchy. Accepts either a list of data.tables or a list of such lists.

Filters are specified as strings encoding logical expressions in standard R syntax, each associated to one of the tables in the input.

After a filter is applied to a table, data that corresponds to the removed in other tables will be removed as specified by the options propagateDownwards and propagateUpwards. These are defined in filterTables:

The argument 'useXsd' specifies if the hierarchical relation between tables in 'inputData', should be inferred from xsdObjects via the conventional use of a metadata table on the 'inputData'

If useXsd is FALSE, each table in the hierarchy is assumed to be strictly lower in the hierarchy than any table preceding it, and any table called 'metadata' is ignored.

Column names are assumed to be unique across all levels of the data hierarchy, except that each table is expected to repeated the key-columns of all its ancestors.


 filenames <- system.file("testresources",
       "biotic3.1_w_ageandprey.xml", package="RstoxData")
 inputData <- RstoxData:::ReadBiotic(filenames)
 #filters are nested list matching the structure of inputData
 filterExpression <- list()
 filterExpression$`biotic3.1_w_ageandprey.xml`$agedetermination <- c(
     'age < 10'
 filteredData <- RstoxData::filterData(inputData, 
#> [1] 2
 filteredPropUp <- RstoxData::filterData(inputData, 
             propagateUpwards = TRUE, 
#> Warning: StoX: Filter on data from biotic3.1_w_ageandprey.xml returned empty tables "prey"
#> [1] 1