Convert landings to LandingData.

convertToLandingData(lssLandings, ForceUnique = F)



landings in the format provided by readLssFile


Manipulate the field 'Linjenummer' with arbitrary changes to ensure that key columns uniquely identify rows.


LandingData the converted landings


When converting from lss: All columns of 'lssLandings' are converted, except 'salgsdato' and 'versjonstidspunkt'. All columns of LandingData are filled, except 'DokumentFormulardato' and 'DokumentElektroniskDato'.

Occasionally landing sets contain data that where rows are not uniquely identified by the key columns in that format. In these cases a warning is issued, and it is important to handle those duplicates to avoid problems in later processing. The parameter 'ForceUnique' may be considered, if one is confident these records does in fact represent separate landings.