The StoxAcoustic data format is defined by StoX as a common format to which data from different acoustic sampling formats are converted, guaranteeing consistent interpretation and documentation of all its variables.


The StoxAcoustic format is defined according to the general sampling hierarchy of StoX which is used as a basis for both the StoxcBiotic and StoxAcoustic format. The variables of the StoxAcoustic format are given by the tables below, where the columns NMDEchosounder and ICESAcoustic show the origin of variable in AcousticData read from NMDEchosounder and ICESAcoustic files, respectively (see AcousticData). Variables with non-unique names across tables of the BioticData are written as variableName.tableName, and "-" and "/" denotes concatenation for character type variables with "-" and "/" as separation character, respectively. Units are given with shortname of the StoxUnits:

Cruise level:

VariableDescriptionUnitData typeExampleNMDBioticICESBiotic
CruiseKeyKey of the Cruise tableNoneCharacter"2021105"cruiseLocalID
CruiseUnique Cruise identifierNoneCharacter"2021105"Same as CruiseKey. Can be translated.Same as CruiseKey. Can be translated.
PlatformData collection platform identifierNoneCharacter"1019"platformPlatform

Log level:

VariableDescriptionUnitData typeExampleNMDBioticICESBiotic
LogKeyKey of the Log level, given as ISO 8601 date time stringISO8601Character"2020-04-24T03:51:26.000Z"ISO 8601 formatted start_timeISO 8601 formatted Time
LogSailed distancenmiNumeric123.1log_startDistance
EDSUUnique elementary distance sampling unit (EDSU/Log) identifierNoneCharacter"2020821/2020-04-24T03:51:26.000Z"CruiseKey-LogKeyCruiseKey-LogKey
DateTimeUTC time at start of the EDSU, stored as POSIXctISO8601Character2020-09-09T01:02:03.456Zstart_timeTime
LongitudeLongitude at LogOrigindegree eastNumeric62.5lon_startLongitude
LatitudeLatitude at LogOrigindegree northNumeric5.1lat_startLatitude
LogOriginOrigin of the Longitude/Latitude, one of "start", "middle", "end"NoneCharacter"start""start"LogOrigin
Longitude2Longitude at LogOrigin2degree eastNumeric62.6lon_stopLongitude2
Latitude2Latitude at LogOrigin2degree northNumeric5.2lat_stopLatitude2
LogOrigin2Origin of the Longitude/Latitude, one of "start", "middle", "end"NoneCharacter"end""end"LogOrigin2
LogDistanceThe length of the EDSUnmiNumeric0.1integrator_distPingAxisInterval
LogDurationThe duration of the EDSUsNumeric36stop_time - start_timeNA
EffectiveLogDistanceThe effective length of the EDSUnmiNumeric0.09Same as LogDistance.Same as LogDistance
BottomDepthBottomDepth at the EDSUmNumeric123.2NABottomDepth

Beam level:

VariableDescriptionUnitData typeExampleNMDBioticICESBiotic
BeamKeyKey of the Beam levelNoneCharacter"38000/2"freq/transceiverID.Instrument
BeamUnique Beam identifierNoneCharacter"38000/2"Same as BeamKey. Can be translated.Same as BeamKey. Can be translated.
FrequencyThe acoustic frequency of the BeamhertzNumeric38000freqFrequency

AcousticCategory level:

VariableDescriptionUnitData typeExampleNMDBioticICESBiotic
AcousticCategoryKeyKey of the AcousticCategory levelNoneCharacter"HER"acocatSaCategory
AcousticCategoryThe acousic categoryNoneCharacter"Herring"Same as AcousticCategoryKey Can be translated.Same as AcousticCategoryKey Can be translated.

ChannelReference level:

VariableDescriptionUnitData typeExampleNMDBioticICESBiotic
ChannelReferenceKeyKey of the ChannelReference levelNoneCharacter"P"type"P"
ChannelReferenceTypeUnique ChannelReference identifierNoneCharacter"P"Same as ChannelReferenceKeySame as ChannelReferenceKey
ChannelReferenceDepthThe depth of the ChannelReference origin. 0 for pelagic channels. Not yet given for bottom channels, as BottomDepth is not yet defined for NMDEchosounder datamNumeric00 if ChannelReferenceType == "P", NA if ChannelReferenceType == "B" (see BottomDepth)0
ChannelReferenceTiltThe tilt angle of the beam, where 180 is vertically downwards and 0 is vertically upwardsdegreeNumeric180180 if ChannelReferenceType == "P", 0 if ChannelReferenceType == "B"Interpreted from TransducerOrientation

NASC level:

VariableDescriptionUnitData typeExampleNMDBioticICESBiotic
NASCKeyKey of the NASC levelNoneCharacter"2"chChannelDepthUpper/ChannelDepthLower
ChannelUnique NASC depth channel identifierNoneCharacter"2"Same as NASCKey Can be translated.Same as NASCKey Can be translated.
MaxChannelRangeThe maximum range of the channel. Translates to the lower channel depth for vertically downwards oriented echosounder.mNumeric40pel_ch_thickness * chMaxChannelRange
MinChannelRangeThe minimum range of the channel. Translates to the upper channel depth for vertically downwards oriented echosounder.mNumeric30pel_ch_thickness * (ch - 1)MinChannelRange
NASCThe nautical area scattering coefficient.m^2/nmi^2Numeric59.24813saValue