The SumLengthDistributionData model data is a list of two elements; the Data, which are similar to LengthDistributionData but added the Layer resolution column and summed vertically; and the Resolution, which is a table of the three columns Station, Layer and Haul containing the link between the vertical resolution variables before summing.



StationUnique Station identifierNoneCharacter"2021105-1"
LayerThe depth Layer identifierNoneCharacter"Layer1"
SpeciesCategoryThe species categoryNoneCharacter"Herring"
IndividualTotalLengthTotal length (from snout to end of fin), given as the lower end of the interval of width given by LengthResolutioncmNumeric14.5
LengthResolutionResolution of IndividualTotalLengthcmNumeric0.5
WeightedNumberThe number of individuals of the length group.NoneNumeric12
MinLayerDepthThe minimum depth of the depth LayermNumeric0
MaxLayerDepthThe maximum depth of the depth LayermNumeric100
SumLengthDistributionWeightThe weight of the WeightedNumber, always 1NoneNumeric1
LengthDistributionTypeThe type of length distribution, one of "Normalized", "Standard" and "Percent" (see LengthDistribution)NoneCharacter"AreaNumberDensity"
CruiseUnique Cruise identifier (see StoxAcousticFormat for output from AcousticDensity and StoxBioticFormat for output from SweptAreaDensity)NoneCharacter"2021105"
EffectiveTowDistanceEffective tow distance of the HaulnmiNumeric1.5
DateTimeUTC time at start of the EDSU or Station, stored as POSIXctISO8601Character2020-09-09T01:02:03.456Z
LongitudeLongitude at start of the EDSU or Stationdegree eastNumeric62.5
LatitudeLatitude at start of the EDSU or Stationdegree northNumeric5.1


VariableDescriptionUnitData typeExample
StationUnique Station identifierNoneCharacter"2021105-1"
LayerThe depth Layer identifierNoneCharacter"Layer1"
HaulUnique Haul identifierNoneCharacter"2021105-1-2"
GearIdentifier of the gearNoneCharacter"3270"
VerticalNetOpeningVertical span of the netmNumeric23
HorizontalNetOpeningVertical span of the netmNumeric105
TrawlDoorSpreadDistance between the trawl doors.mNumeric125

See also

This data type is produced by SumLengthDistribution with input LengthDistributionData from LengthDistribution. SumLengthDistributionData is used in MeanLengthDistribution with output MeanLengthDistributionData. See DataTypes for a list of all StoX data types produced by RstoxBase