This function adds a process named DefineAcousticPSU using the function DefineAcousticPSU with DefinitionMethod = "PreDefined". It is a requirement that there exists a procecss named DefineAcousticPSU in the project, which will be renamed and used as input to the new DefineAcousticPSU process.
modelNames = getRstoxFrameworkDefinitions("stoxModelNames"),
projectPath0 = NULL,
run = TRUE,
AcousticPSUProcessName = "DefineAcousticPSU",
AcousticPSUProcessNameNew = "DefineAcousticPSU0",
save = NULL,
ow = FALSE
The path to the StoX project, i.e., the folder of the project with the sub folders "input", "output" and "process". Can possibly be the path to a file inside the project folder.
Optional: character vector with file paths to input acoustic files to replaec the existing acoustic files by in the procecss using the function ReadAcoustic
The name of the models (possible values are "baseline", "analysis" and "report").
Optional: Path to the project to copy to the project given by projectPath
Logical: If TRUE run the model.
The name of the existing process using DefineAcousticPSU.
The new name of the existing process using DefineAcousticPSU.
Logical: If TRUE save the project after running.
Logical: If TRUE overwrite the project.
A list of model output.