Modify a process
archive = TRUE,
add.defaults = FALSE,
purge.processData = FALSE,
strict = TRUE,
update.functionInputs = TRUE
The path to the StoX project, i.e., the folder of the project with the sub folders "input", "output" and "process". Can possibly be the path to a file inside the project folder.
The name of the model (possible values are "baseline", "analysis" and "report").
The name of the process.
A list named by the elements to modify (see getRstoxFrameworkDefinitions("processProperties") for possible elements), holding the values to modify to (e.g., list(functionParameter = list(DefinitionMethod = "Stratum"))).
Logical: Should the project memory state be archived using archiveProject
? This stores one step in the history.
Logical: If TRUE defaults of a function are added when setting the function of the process.
Logical: If TRUE replace process data entirely.
Logical: If FALSE a proposed process name is changed to the default new process name, whereas TRUE throws an error.
Logical: If TRUE update the process name in the function inputs to other processes.