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Tabulates summary statistics for mean weights at age from MCMC simulations using Reca.

If 'RecaCatchAtAge' contains estimate for a set of aggregation variables, such as area, gear, stock, etc., summary statistics will be presented similarly.

Mean weight for plus-groups are a weighted by the relative catch-at-age in each composite age group. For iterations where all of the plus-group ages have a zero catch at age, this weight is not defined, and summary statistics are obtained from the remaining iterations.

Rounding of numbers according to the argument 'Decimals' is done with round, so that negative numbers specify rounding to powers of ten, and rounding of the digit 5 is towards the even digit.

The units considered valid for mean weights are those listed for quantity 'mass' in StoxUnits

MCMC simulations are typically obtained with RunRecaModels. Summary statistics are obtained from the posterior distribution, and the interval is reported as 90% equal-tailed credible intervals.


  PlusGroup = integer(),
  IntervalWidth = numeric(),
  Decimals = integer(),
  Threshold = numeric(),
  Unit = RstoxData::getUnitOptions("mass", conversionRange = c(1e-04, 10))



Results from MCMC simulations (RecaCatchAtAge).


If given, ages 'PlusGroup' or older are included in a plus group.


The width of the reported credible interval. A value of 0.9 gives 90 per cent credible intervals. Defaults to 0.9.


integer specifying the number of decimals to report for 'MeanIndividualWeight', 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'. Defaults to 2.


threshold for reporting mean weight. Rows with an estimated Catch At Age (number of individuals) lower than this will have NA reported for their mean weight. Defaults to 0.


unit for 'MeanIndividualWeight', 'SD', 'Low' and 'High'

See also

RunRecaModels for running Reca-analysis


  weightAtAge <- RstoxFDA::ReportRecaWeightAtAge(RstoxFDA::RecaCatchAtAgeExample, 
       PlusGroup = 13, Threshold = 1000, Decimals = 0, Unit = "g")
#> $MeanWeightByAge
#>     AgeGroup   Age MeanIndividualWeight    SD   Low  High
#>       <char> <num>                <num> <num> <num> <num>
#>  1:    Age 1     1                  271    67   185   388
#>  2:    Age 2     2                  632   106   468   758
#>  3:    Age 3     3                 1099    52  1013  1178
#>  4:    Age 4     4                 1421    55  1322  1510
#>  5:    Age 5     5                 1859    58  1768  1946
#>  6:    Age 6     6                 2351    67  2235  2447
#>  7:    Age 7     7                 2999    89  2844  3136
#>  8:    Age 8     8                 3544   107  3338  3697
#>  9:    Age 9     9                 4132   137  3847  4340
#> 10:   Age 10    10                 4771   193  4469  5021
#> 11:   Age 11    11                 5349   209  5006  5664
#> 12:   Age 12    12                 5940   245  5539  6362
#> 13:  Age 13+    13                 8232   562  7410  9150
#> $GroupingVariables
#> Empty data.table (0 rows and 1 cols): GroupingVariables