Report convergence Statistics for parameter simulations
For multi-chain parameter simulations, intra-chain variance, inter-chain variance and the Gelman-Rubins R statistic is reported.
'chains' in this respect refers to statistically independent simulations.
Only parameters with a Gelman-Rubins R statistic that deviates sufficiently from 1 is reported. The accepted deviation is controlled by the argument 'Tolerance'. Parameters are reported if they differ from 1 by 'Tolerance' or more, so that a Tolerance of 0 reports all parameters. If not provided a default Tolerance of 0.1 is used.
Gelman-Rubins R is described in Gelman and Rubin (Statistical Science, 1992): DOI:
The Gelman-Rubins R reported here is approximately that specified in Gelman and Rubins Eq. 20, ignoring the contribution from the factor (df/(df-2)).
In the report InterVariance correspond to their B/n and IntraVariance correspond to their W.