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This function reads multiple landing files (sales-notes) to a list with a list of tables for each file. It extends upon ReadLanding in that it supports additional input formats.


  Format = c("landingerv2", "lss", "FDIR.2021"),
  FileEncoding = c("Default", "UTF-8", "Latin-1"),
  ForceUnique = FALSE



The paths of the landing files.


The file format of the landing files.


encoding for the files that should be read. If not given the default encoding for each format is used.


Manipulate the field 'Linjenummer' with arbitrary changes to ensure that key columns uniquely identify rows.


Norwegian sales-notes data are archived and curated by the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries (FDIR). Data is made public or is transferred to the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in various formats. Some of these formats are also archived by the Norwegian Marine Datacenter (NMD) at IMR.

Some of the supported formats are missing columns supported by LandingData, these columns are set to NA. Likewise some formats have additional columns, not supported by LandingData, these are ignored.

Occasionally landing sets contain data that where rows are not uniquely identified by the key columns in that format. In these cases a warning is issued, and it is important to handle those duplicates to avoid problems in later processing. Uniqueness of keys are checked for in some typical downstream StoX processes, such as StoxLanding, so the problem may potentially disappear after filtering. Otherways, the parameter 'ForceUnique' may be considered, if one is confident these records does in fact represent separate landings.

Formats may be one of the following


XML-files given in the namespace Default encoding: UTF-8 (enforced by format)


Lss format, used for official deliveries from Fdir to IMR (2005-). Default encoding: Latin-1 (iso-8859-1)


Sales notes from FDIRs open data sets, as formatted in their 2021 release. Default encoding: UTF-8.

Files in the format 'landingerv2' and 'lss' may be obtained from the NMD landings API at IMR.

The lss format has been using various naming conventions. Data is read by colmn index, and strict checking of column names is not performed.