Analytical estimates for a population
- Stratum
Stratum that summary is provided for.
- PSUDomain
PSU domain that summary is provided for.
- Samples
The number of PSUs sampled in the domain.
- PSUDomainSize
The estimated number of PSUs in the domain.
- PSURelativeDomainSize
The estimated fraction of PSUs in the domain, relative to the number of PSUs in the stratum.
- Stratum
Stratum that abundance is provided for.
- Domain
The domain that the abundance is provided for.
- Abundance
The estimated number of individuals in the domain and stratum.
- Frequency
The estimated fraction of individuals in the domain, relative ot the total number in stratum.
- Stratum
The stratum that estimates are provided for.
- Domain
The domain that estimates are provided for.
- Variable
The variable (measurment) that estimates are provided for.
- Total
The estimated total value of the variable in domain and stratum.
- Mean
The estimated mean value fo the variable in domain and stratum.
- Stratum
The stratum that covariances are provided for.
- Domain1
A domain that covariances are provided for.
- Domain2
A domain that covariances are provided for.
- AbundanceCovariance
The estimated covariance of abundance between Domain1 and Domain2.
- FrequencyCovariance
The estimated covariance of frequency between Domain1 and Domain2.
- Stratum
The stratum that covariances are provied for.
- Domain1
A domain that covariances are provided for.
- Domain2
A domain that covariances are provided for.
- Variable1
A variable that covariances are provided for.
- Variable2
A variable that covariances are provided for.
- TotalCovariance
The estimated covariance of total value of Variable1 in Domain1 and Variable2 in Domain2
- MeanCovariance
The estimated covariance of the mean value of Variable1 in Domain1 and Variable2 in Domain2
- Stratum
A stratum, as identified in other tables.
- StratificationVariables
Columns that relate the stratum to data records.
- Domain
A domain, as identified in other tables.
- DomainVariables
Columns that relate the domain to data records.