RstoxData is a package to parse and manipulate various data formats for fisheries.
The package contains functions for reading, filtering and writing fisheries’ trawl survey samples (biotic), acoustic trawl survey and commercial catch samples (landings) data in XML formats.
Loaded data can also be filtered by using any supported R conditional syntax such as longitude > 10
, or by user pre-defined functions such as inside()
Install the latest release from our local repository: r install.packages("RstoxData", repos = c("", getOption("repos")))
Install the latest version from GitHub: r devtools::install_github("")
On computers that return errors when trying to run the Rtools through RStudio (most institutional Windows machines), install the binary directly from Download the newest RstoxData zip file, click the Packages
tab -> Install
-> Install from:
Package Archive File
-> Install
. If the installer does not complain, the package is installed correctly.
LGPL-3 © Norwegian Institute of Marine research (IMR) (homepage).
The development of RstoxData package is mainly supported by IMR’s REDUS and SEA2DATA projects.
RstoxData is part of the bigger StoX ecosystem.