Returns a color vector of rainbow colors which are desaturated by 's' and darkened by 'v' to obtain the "combined" color scale.
The number of colors to generate.
The first color, appended to the color scale, possibly repeated nStart
The last color, appended to the color scale, possibly repeated nSEnd
The number of repeated colStart
The number of repeated colEnd
The range of the saturation values applied to the colors, where lower values suppress saturation. The default applies less strong colors at the higher values of x.
The range of the value applied to the colors, where lower values causes darker colors. The default applies less darker colors at the lover values of x.
The start hue, given as a value in between 0 and 1.
The end hue, given as a value in between 0 and 1.
Logical: If TRUE the color scale should be reversed.
The transparency.
Not used, but allowing for unused arguments.